Chemical Change: nail rusting, digesting food, making ice cream, cooking an egg, reaction with oxygen, burning wood, baking a cake, banana rotting, candle burning, milk rotting, bleach stains a shirt, mixing vinegar and baking soda, formation of a precipitate , a broken bone regrowing, Statue of Liberty turning Green in color, Photosynthesis, Neutralize a Base, Batteries, leaves changing color, Milk spoils in the fridge, Fireworks, Nitrogen gas and Hydrogen Gas combine to form Ammonia, The spoon turned dull in color, After pouring Baking soda into Vinegar, it starts to Fizz, Lighting a match, A PRECIPITATE STARTED TO FORM AT THE BOTTOM OF THE TEST TUBE, Silver tarnishes when exposed to air and light., Physical Change: ice melting, steam coming off a hot pot, breaking glass, dissolving sugar in tea, crushing a can, crumpling a paper bag, ice melting into water, chopping wood, boiling water, mixing flour, salt, and sugar, dissolving kool-aid in water, water freezing, mixing red and green marbles, breaking your arm, painting a house a different color, Shredding paper, Dropping a Beaker and it breaks into several pieces, cutting paper in half, Painting a House a different color, Cutting a lemon in half, Water evaporates into a Gas, change in shape or phase, Breaking a matchstick, Dry Ice evaporates into a Gas, Changing its state of matter, CHEWING ON A PIECE OF APPLE,
Physical & Chemical Changes Review
8th Grade
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