Respectful: Respect others personal space., Use appropriate language for school., Follow classroom procedures or directions of the adult., Waiting patiently in line in the cafeteria., Speaking kindly to adults and pears., Responsible: Walk in a line and to and from the ca, Clean up your area before you leave a space., Taking care of Chromebooks and other school property., Leave classroom with permission and/or a pass from the teacher., Be on time to school and class., Bring only what you need for learning., Safe: Walk calmly to and from class., Handle conflicts peacefully., Washing your hands after using the restroom., Wipe down your area when entering and leaving a space., Walk on the ride side of the hall., Maintain social distancing., Remain seated while the bus is in motion., Remain seated in the cafeteria., Keeping hands feet and objects to yourself., Disrespectful: Invading others personal space., Using profanity or inappropriate language., Cutting in line in the cafeteria., Irresponsible: Not being prepared with your Chromebook., Throwing things out the bus window., Being tardy to school or class., Not using electronic devices approriately., Unsafe: Wearing your mask below your nose and mouth., Handle conflicts with physical confrontations., Not washing and sanitizing your hands., Moving around while the bus is in motion.,
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