What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘leadership’?, Do people automatically have leadership or must they learn it?, Why is good leadership important?, What do you think of the leadership of your country?, What is the most important thing a leader must remember about leadership?, Have you ever been in positions of leadership?, Who in the world do you think possesses the greatest leadership skills?, What leadership qualities do you have?, Are people who have leadership qualities more physically attractive than people with no leadership skills?, Is there always stress with leadership?, Is leadership an art or a science?, Do you think people with no leadership skills have a more or les happy life?, Does good leadership require bullying?, Leader or follower - What would you want to be?, Are women better leaders than men?, Born to lead or learnt to lead - what do you believe in?, Are dictators better leaders than democrats?, A compassionate leader or a strict leader - who would you prefer to work under?, Was Obama a better leader than Trump?.

Leadership discussion


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