Backpack - A bag that you carry on your back, Baggage hall - The place at an airport where passengers collect their luggage after their flight, Boarding pass - A card or document that a passenger must have in order to be allowed to get on aircraft , Check in desk - The place at an airport where you show your ticket so that you can be told where you will be sitting , Customs - The place where your bags are examined when you are going into a county,to make sure you are not carrying anything illegal , Departure gate - The part of an airport where passengers wait and then get on a particular aircraft , Get back - To return to a place after you have been somewhere else, Go away - To leave your home in order to spend time in a different place , Passport control - The place at an airport where an official checks your passport , Queue - A group of people stand one behind the other who are waiting for something , Security check - An examination before passengers get on a plane to make sure they are not carrying anything that is dangerous , Set off - To start a journey , Sign - A symbol or message in a public place which gives information , Take off - Leaves the ground and begings to fly, Ticket - A small piece of paper that shows you have paid to do something ,

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