Gymnosperm - a seed plant , ovule - the reproductive structure of a seed plant that contains the egg cells., sperm - the reproductive cell of the male, egg - the reproductive cell of the female, sepal - the leaf-like structure that encloses and protects the flower bud, stamen - the male reproductive structure of a flower, made up of the anther and the filament, filament - the thin stalk of the stamen, ovary - a flower structure that houses the ovules and then the seeds as they develop, anther - the part of the stamen that produces pollen, pistil - the female reproductive structure of the flower, made up of the ovary, style, and stigma, petal - one of a group of modified leaves that surround the reproductive structures of a flower, stigma - the tip of the pistil, style - the part of the pistil that connects the stigma and the ovary, angiosperm - a seed plant that has flowers and seed-containing fruits, pollination - the process by which pollen is transferred from male reproductive structures to female reproductive structures, fertilization - the fusion of an egg and sperm to form a zygote, cotyledon - the structure that contains the seed leaf (or leaves) of the embryo, and sometimes stored food, monocot - an angiosperm that has one cotyledon in the seed, dicot - an angiosperm that has two cotyledons in the seed.,
Angiosperms and Gymnosperms Vocabulary
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