1) The component that deals with objectives, adaptations, and the development of meaningful activities a) Comprehensible Input b) Practice-Application c) Lesson Preparation d) Lesson Delivery 2) The component that emphasizes vocabulary and explicitly concepts to students background and prior knowledge a) Lesson Preparation b) Building Background c) Lesson Delivery d) Review-Assessment 3) In this component a variety of techniques are used to make content concepts clear and comprehensible a) Comprehensible Input b) Strategies c) Interaction d) Building Background 4) In this component teachers use a variety of techniques, scaffolding, and higher order questions to assist students to become strategic thinkers a) Strategies b) Review-Assessment c) Lesson Preparation d) Practice-Application 5) This component allows for a variety of grouping configurations to be used to provide opportunities for collaboration and discussions among students a) Practice-Application b) Lesson Delivery c) Review-Assessment d) Interaction 6) This component allows for students to use content and language knowledge through reading, writing, listening, and speaking a) Lesson Preparation b) Comprehensible Input c) Practice-Application d) Interaction 7) In this component teachers support the class' content and language objectives while engaging students 90-100% of the time a) Lesson Delivery b) Review-Assessment c) Practice-Application d) Strategies 8) Here, teachers review content concepts and vocabulary while providing ELs with constructive feedback a) Strategies b) Lesson Preparation c) Review-Assessment d) Comprehensible Input

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