Atmosphere: Consists of layers of gases, Composed of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Water Vapor, and Carbon Dioxide, Has 5 major layers, Troposphere: Layer closest to Earth, lowest layer, Extends 9 miles above Earth, Virtually all weather occurs here, Produces winds in response to unequal heating of the Earth's surface, Includes the water cycle, Includes clouds, Stratosphere: Ozone layer found near bottom, Air temp increases with height above Earth due to ozone absorption of light, 14km to 50 km above Earth, Very calm layer allows for undisturbed flight, Has a steady wind, but practically no turbulence, Air temp increases with height above Earth, Ozone: O3, Absorbs solar radiation, Protects Earth from harmful UV rays, Can be "good" or "bad" at different altitudes, Mesosphere: 50 km - 80 km, Coldest layer - 100 degrees C, Meteroids usually burn up in this layer, Air temp decreases with height above Earth, Thermosphere: "Heat Sphere", Temp increases with height above Earth (1,800 -3,300 degrees C), Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights), Space Shuttle orbits here, Ionosphere - the lower part, Exosphere - the upper part, Ionosphere: Includes Mesosphere, Thermosphere, and Exosphere, 80 km - 550 km, Particles become electrically charged (ions), Radio waves are bounced off the ions and reflect back on Earth, Exosphere: The outer most layer - +550 km, Air is very thin, GPS satellites orbit the Earth here,
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