Nicholas II - The last czar of Russian, last member of Romanov Dynasty., March Revolution - this revolt ended with the military joining the protesters, abdication of Nicholas II, Bolsheviks - Revolutionary socialist, became the communists., "Peace, Land, Bread" - Lenin's slogan for his people..., Vladimir Lenin - a Russian revolutionary, politician, and political theorist. He served as the first and founding head of government of Soviet Russia. , Russian Civil War - Red Army (Lenin supporters) vs. White Army (Czar supporters), New Economic Policy - Lenin's economic system that included "a free market and capitalism, both subject to state control,", Joseph Stalin - Communist leader after the death of Lenin, Totalitarian Rule - Government attemptes to regulate every aspect of the lives of its citizens., Command Economy - An economy where government officials make all financial decisions, Collectivism - Forced peasants to give up their land, move to state-owned farms, Holodomor - "Terror-Famine", the forced starvation on over 8 million Russians and Ukrainians.,

Soviet Union Conveyor Belt


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