abiotic factor - non-living factor that shapes an ecosystem, autotroph - organism that is able to capture energy from sunlight and use it to produce its own food; a producer, biotic factor - living factor that shapes an ecosystem, carnivore - meat eater, commensalism - relationship where 1 organism benefits and the other has no gain/loss; symbiotic relationship, community - group of different populations living together, competition - when organisms share the same energy source, decomposer - organism who's energy source is the dead, habitat - area where an organism lives, home, herbivore - vegetarian, heterotroph - consumer, organism that consumes producers., mutualism - symbiotic relationship where both organisms benefit, omnivore - organism that eats plants and animals, parasitism - harmful symbiotic relationship an organism lives in/or another, population - group of individuals of the same species living together, predation - predator hunts prey, primary consumer - eats the first trophic level, producer - organism that uses photosynthesis or chemosynthesis to make its food; consumed by others, secondary consumer - eats the second trophic level, trophic level - each step in a food chain or food web, flow of energy - energy flowing from 1 organism to another thru consumption; arrow points at the consumer, keystone species - holds the ecosystem together, in its' absence the system would suffer, apex predators - At the top of the food chain; not prey, 10% rule - energy pyramid shows the amount of useful energy flowing, starts at 10%, energy pyramid - model that shows energy flow from 1 trophic level to the next,
Bio B - Ecology: Flow of Energy Vocab
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