Extend your tongue to the bumpy part on the top of your mouth right behind your teeth. Then curl your tongue back toward the back of your mouth as far as possible. Hold for a few seconds. Repeat 5 times., Move the tip of your tongue across the roof of your mouth from the very front (just behind your upper teeth) to the very back (to where the soft palate is located). Do this 10 times, bringing it as far back as possible each time. Repeat the exercise 5 to 10 times., Hum for five seconds. stop humming. Puff your cheeks out. Then let go and do a big pop of air making a /puh/ sound., Puff out your cheeks. Nice lip seal. No air should be escaping. Press on their side to side. We are going to hold for 10 seconds., Do a dry swallow, squeezing all of your swallowing muscles as tightly as you can. Imagine swallowing a vitamin whole, without water. Repeat a 3 times.,
Oral Motor Exercises
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