A chain of islands - archipelago, a path along the Pacific Ocean characterized by active volcanoes and frequent earthquakes - Ring of Fire, a country's desire to extend their borders by taking over land to gain power - imperialism , Diet - Japan's legislative branch , Shintoism - 'the way of the gods'. A religion based on the belief that spiritual powers exist in the natural world in things like trees, animals, mountains and even people, occupation - the control of a country by another country though the stationing of military troops and government within their borders, tsunami - a long, high sea wave caused by an earthquake, typhoon - a tropical huricane, Kami - spirits that Shinto followers believe live in nature , terraces - flat areas of land carved into the sides of hills or mountains by farmers so they can grow crops , constitutional monarchy - a government in which there is a king, queen, or emperor who is limited in power and has to follow the constitution , MacArthur Constitution - Japan's constitution written by Douglas MacArthur during the U.S. occupation of Japan , war reparations - damages paid by the losing side of after the war, democratization - introduction of a democratic system, or changing a country's democracy, demilitarization - to breakdown the military in order to reduce the country's ability to declare war , emperor - a male who rules an empire, they usually come to power when one of his parents, or relatives, dies, atomic bomb - type of WMD, weapon with huge power created by splitting an atom of the element uranium, Pearl Harbor - a bay on the southern coast of Oahu Island, in Hawaii, Japanese warplanes carried out a surprise attack on the U.S. naval base there on December 7, 1941, Harry Truman - president who decided to drop the atomic bomb, Douglas MacArthur - led the occupation of Japan ,
Japan Vocabulary
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