Tell your partner about yourself , Describe your mother , What kind of clothes do you like?, What is your favourite colour?, How often do you wear school uniform? Do you like it?, What is your favourite dish? , What do you like eating?, What do you hate eating? , That is on the menu today?, What did you have for breakfast?, What do you usually have for dinner? , What colour are your eyes?, Who is your best friend? Tell us about him, What do you have on today?, What kind of furniture do you have in your room? , Describe your room? , How often do you eat fruit? Is it good for your health? , What is your mother like?, Do you like going to school?, What do you usually do after school?, What are your hobbies?, What is your favorite song at the moment?, Do you like reading books? What’s the last book you read?, What is your dream job?, What are your plans for the future?, If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?.
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