DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid found in cell, Double Helix - Two strands that wind around each other like a twisted ladder., Chromosomes - A structure found inside the nucleus of a cell. A chromosome is made up of proteins and DNA organized into genes., Gene - Small segment of DNA that codes for a trait., Nucleotides - Composed of 3 parts: phosphate, deoxyribose sugar, and a nitrogen base., MtDNA - mitochondrial dna found in the mitochondria, STR - 2-10 bp and is a small Dna sample, VNTR - 10-100 bp and is a larger Dna sample, Restriction Enzymes - These are “chemical scissors” that cut DNA at VNTR locations., Gel Electrophoresis - Separates the fragments of Dna, Blood - A mixture of many components: cells, inorganic substances (salts), enzymes, water, and proteins (antibodies)., Erythrocytes - Red Blood cells , Leukocytes - White Blood cells , Thrombocytes - Platelets, Presumptive Test - Identify if the stain is blood , Confirmatory Tests - Identify if the blood is human, Antigens - Surface proteins on the RBC, Antibodies - Proteins in the plasma to fight against other blood types., Rh factor - Determines if blood is positive or negative, Agglutination - A reaction in which particles (as red blood cells or bacteria) suspended in a liquid collect into clumps and which occurs especially as a serological response to a specific antibody., Fingerprint - unique ridges found on the hands and feet, Dactyloscopy - The study of fingerprints (dactylograms) identification., Latent Prints - Invisible print, Plastic Prints - 3 dimensional prints on soft surfaces, Patent Prints - Visible prints, Dermal Papillae - Responsible for determining the form and pattern of the ridges on the surface of the skin, Loop - 65% of Population, Whorl - 30% of Population, Arches - 5% of Population , Minutiae - Unique ridge patterns ,
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