Individual Evidence - what type of evidence is fingerprinting, Minutiae - The unique ridge patterns are called, Bridge - A small region where the ridge splits into two individual ridges known as a, Epidermis - The outer layer of the fingerprint, Loops - The most common type of fingerprint group, Whorls - The most rare type of fingerprint group, Hypodermis - Most deep fatty layer of the fingerprint, Delta - Trigular region located near a loop, 8-12 - How many minutiae should be matched for a positive identification?, Dactylograms - What is the scientific name for fingerprints, Red blood cell - Which of the following has the protein hemoglobin to carry oxygen?, Type O - The blood type that has no antigens., This blood type has both antibodies. - O, Red blood cells - An erythrocyte is also known as a, O - In case of an emergency, you can always give a patient _____ blood type., White Blood Celll - This blood cell is used by your immune system, Wipe - What bloodstain pattern is created when an object moves through an existing stain, removing or altering its appearance?, AB - This blood type has both antigens., White Blood Cell - Which of the following blood cells has DNA?, Cast-Off - What bloodstain pattern is created when blood is released or thrown from a blood-bearing object?, Deoxyribonucleic Acid - DNA stands for, Individual - What type of evidence is DNA?, Double helix - DNA looks like a , Gene - Small segment of DNA that codes for a trait., Allele - Different versions of a trait., Nucleotides - DNA is a nucleic acid composed of the repeating subunit called, mtDNA - You inherit half of this DNA from your mother and half from your father, VNTR - 10-100 base pairs, STR - 2-10 base pairs, Gel electrophoresis - a process to separate the fragments of the DNA,
Midterm Review Fingerprint, Blood Analyist, and DNA
9th Grade
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