What’s your name? How do you spell that?, What’s your surname/last name/family name?, What’s your friend’s name?, What’s your mother’s/father’s name?, What’s your sister’s name?, What’s your brother’s name?, What’s your cousin’s name?, What’ your grandmother’s/grandfather’s name?, What’s your pet’s name?, What’s a good name for a dog or a cat?, How old are you?, How old is your friend/mother/father?, How old is your brother/sister/cousin?, How old is your grandmother/grandfather?, Where are you from?, Where do you live?, Do you live in a flat or a house?, Is your flat/house big or small?, How many rooms are there in your flat/house?, Where do you read books?, Where do you listen to music?, Where do you do your homework?, Where do you watch TV?, Is there a table in your kitchen? What color is it?, Is there a mirror in your bathroom? , Is there a sofa in the living room?, What do you do at school?, What do you do at home?, Are you wearing trousers? What color are they? , Are you wearing socks? What color are they?, Are you wearing a jacket? What color is it?, What’s your phone number?, What’s your favorite color? , What color is your hair?, What color are your eyes ?, What color is your favorite toy?.
Starters Questions 1-36
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