What was your first job?, Have you ever met anyone famous? If not, who would you like to meet? , If you could pick up a new skill in an instant what would it be?, Been anywhere recently for the first time? If not, where would you like to go? , What was the first thing you bought with your own money?, What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?, What’s your favorite place you’ve ever visited?, Do you collect anything?, What’s your favorite breakfast cereal?, Which season fits your personality best—spring, summer, fall, or winter—and why?, Where did you grow up? Fun fact about your home town? , Do you have a pets and if so what are their names..and do you want more pets? , What is the most unique thing you have within reach of your desk?, What is the story behind the background on your phone? If not, what background have you had? , What is the last YouTube video you watched? , Which app do you use most frequently?, What was your first job?, What is your favorite TV show?, What is your most used emoji?.
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