I am a perennial. - A plant that grows for many seasons without having to be replanted., I am an annual. - A plant that grows for only one season., I am a botanist. - A scientist who studies plants., I am a carrot, a root vegetable. - Long and thin, growing beneath the ground. Pull me up by my leaves and stem there I'll be found., I am a potato, a tuber vegetable. - At the end of a root, that's where I am found. I can be little or big and almost round. I come in colors red, yellow, purple or brown!, I am a bean, a seed vegetable. - You know me by one name, but I have another. My pods are long and lean and usually green., I am a shovel. - In your home garden I am just the right size to turn your soil and get you started., I am a plow. - On the farm it takes a big machine like me to ready the soil for the seeds., I am a fertilizer. - You use me on the farm and in your garden to help give the soil nutrients, or food, to give to your plants., I am trowel. - I am used in a home garden to dig holes to plant the starter plants or seedlings., I am a harrow. - On the big farm I smooth the soil before the planter places the seeds in the ground., harvested - The vegetables are ready to be picked, or ________ at the end of the growing season on the farm and in the garden.,
Wit and wisdom M4 Lesson 19
2nd Grade
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