abate - (v) to become weaker, decrease, unabated - (adj) showing no sign of weakening or decreasing, acknowledge - (v) to admit the existence of, or, express recognition for, acknowledged - (adj) commonly accepted or recognized, agent - (n) a person who acts or does business for another, or, something that brings about a result, authority - (n) the right to give orders, make decisions, or take action. Or, an expert source of information., devistate - (v) to ruin or destroy completely., devistating - (adj) causing destruction, devastation - (n) great destruction , epidemic - (n) the rapid spreading of a disease or (adj) spreading rapidly as a disease, estimate - (n) a number that is not exact, or (v) to figure out roughly, evict - (v) to force out of property by taking legal action, impartial - (adj) not favoring one side more than another; fair, industrious - (adj) hardworking; not lazy, infuriate - (v) to make very angry, irrelevant - (adj) having nothing to do with the subject, percise - (adj) exact, specific, or (n) exactness, sham - (n) something take or false, or (adj) not genuine, or (v) to pretend, trek - (n) a long slow, difficult journey, or (v) to travel slowly or with difficulty,
Wordly Wise Level 7: Lesson 1
7th Grade
Wordly Wise
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