A salesperson - Sells things in a store, A chef - Cooks food, A flight attendant - Serves passengers, A carpenter - works with wood , A nurse - Assists the doctor, A doctor - Saves people’s lives, A receptionist - Provides the clients with the information they need, A teacher - Helps student to learn, A physiotherapist - Helps patients with physical rehabilitation, A Guide - Guides or takes people on tours, A police officer - Takes care of the safety of society , A waiter - Takes orders, A judge - The official who decides how criminals should be punished, A lawyer - Assist people with their rights, A nutritionist - Helps people with their nutritional diets, An accountant - takes care of bills and finantional accounts , An architect - desings buldings , A caregiver - looks after a child or a sick, elderly, or disabled person., A cashier - handle the money and payments , A company director - responsible for liding a company and it's employees, A hairstylist - a person that cuts people's hair., A pharmacist  - sells medecines at a drugstore., A reporter - collects and reports news , A usher  - shows people to their seats, especially in a theater or at a wedding.,

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