mutter - to say something in a low or hard-to-hear voice, often with annoyance, shimmer - v. to shine with a light that seems to move a little, barren - bleak and lifeless, sandwich - to be squashed between two things, expert - someone who has a deep knowledge and skill in an area, usually from long experience and study, lurch - to make a sudden, unsteady movement, paleontology - the science of fossils, chemistry - the science of matter, matter - any substance that occupies space and has mass, mass - the amount of matter in a substance or object, convey - to communicate, adapt - to modify to be suitable for a new purpose, perfect - to make perfect, analysis - careful examination or study of something, device - a literary device: method authors use to convey information, integrate - combine more than one thing to make a new whole, annotate - add notes to text or diagram to give an explanation, perspective - a way of looking at something, concept - an idea,
CKLA 5th grade Unit 9 Lessons 1-3 Vocabulary
5th Grade
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