car park - You can leave your car there., restaurant - You can have dinner there., fire station - Firefighters work there., florist's - You can buy flowers there., art gallery - You can see the paintings there., petrol station - You can buy petrol there., cafe - You can have lunch there., cinema - You can see new films there., hotel - You live there on holiday., supermarket - You go there to buy food for home, bank - You go there to get money., bus stop - You go there to wait for the bus., train station - You go there to catch a train., square - You can see it in the center of the town., park - You go there to walk, play, or have a picnic. , shopping center - You go there to buy different things., gym - You go there to do sport., hairdresser's - You can cut your hair there., hospital - You go there to see a doctor., library - You go there to read books.,
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