agree - OK, I like your idea, let’s go to that new cafe, promise - Don’t worry, I’ll help you with your project, offer - I can explain this rule to you, if you want, refuse - No, I won’t lend you any money, advise - You should try the new sports centre., ask - Buy some milk on your way home, please, encourage - You are so clever, you should definitely apply for this job!, remind - Don’t forget to top up your phone!, beg - Please, please don’t tell the teacher that I cheated!, persuade - This program is good because: 1. It’s very interesting, 2. It’s not expensive and 3. The timetable is convenient. You should choose it, deny - No, I didn’t take your pen, suggest - Let’s go to the cinema!, admit - Yes, it was me, I took your pen, insist - You have to do your homework, there is no other was, apologise - I’m sorry I took your pen, accuse - You took my pen!, blame - I think it was his fault that he didn’t pass the exam, thank - You helped me so much with this project, thanks a lot!, warn - Running near the swimming pool is dangerous!,
Solutions Intermediate 8E Reporting verbs
Solutions Intermediate
Reported Speech
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