What does URL stand for? - Uniform Resource Locator, What does HTTP stand for? - Hypertext Transfer Protocol, What is HTTP? - The language used to communicate between web browsers and servers, What does HTML stand for? - HyperText Markup Language, What are cookies? - What websites use to remember who you are, What are Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS)? - A layer of security around your communications to prevent snooping and tampering, How do you know that SSL and TLS are active? - When you see the little lock next to the https, What is encryption? - Scrambling or changing a message, What is decryption? - Unscrambling the message, What is a key? - A secret password for unlocking a message, What is the standard key length for today’s secure communications? - There are 10 billion possible key solutions. 256 bit keys are the standard length, What is symmetric encryption? - The same key used to decrypt and encrypting, What is asymmetric encryption? - Different keys used for decrypting and encrypting, What is a Public Key? - In terms of a private mailbox, anybody can deposit mail but they need a key to do it and there can be many copies of that keyto give out or even use it to make it public, What is a Private Key? - The exchange of secure messages, What is a virus (sorry, I know we’re all sick of hearing about viruses!)? - An organism that spreads through airborne or physical contact, What does DDOS stand for? - Distributed Denial Of Service, What is DDOS? - When hackers overwhelm a website with too many requests/ attacks come from many computers all at once., What is a phishing scam? - Trick people into sharing sensitive personal information, 90% of the time a system gets hacked because of what? - A simple mistake and not a bug,
How Does The Internet Work Videos 5-7
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