Which TV show do you want your life to be like?, What’s the best / worst thing about your school?, What’s your favorite season? Why?, Does fashion help society in any way?, What do you do to get rid of stress?, Do you have a daily routine? What is it?, What is a controversial opinion you have?, What is the most disgusting habit some people have?, What was the last book you read? Did you like it? Why?, Which recent news story is the most interesting in your opinion?, What do you think the next big technological advance will be?, What do you see yourself doing in ten years' time?, What’s the worst movie you have seen recently? And the best?, If you could be a fictional character, who would you be? Why?, What do you hope to achieve in your professional life?, What are you three best qualities? , What is the strangest dream you have ever had?, If you could change the world, what would it be like?, What was the best invention ever, in your opinion?, If you could travel in time, would you like to go to the past or to the future? Why?, If you found a magic lamp, what three wishes would you ask from the genie?.
Talking about life - teenagers
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