At what times do you usually eat your meals? (breakfast/lunch/dinner), What food can you cook the best?, Do you drink tea every day?, Do you think fast food, soda and sweets should be sold in school cafeterias?, What is the most unusual thing you've ever eaten. Did it taste good or bad?, Do you like food from other countries? If yes, which do you like the most?, Did you eat lunch today? what was that?, Do you prefer fish or meat?, Is there any food that you really dislike to eat?, Do you like to eat some desserts after dinner?, How often do you eat fresh fruit?, Do you always eat vegetables?, Do you drink milk every day?, Do you like to eat junk food? If so, what exactly?, What are some foods that you know are healthy for your body?, How many meals do you usually eat every day?, Have you ever eaten dog meat?, What kind of food does your mother make?, What special foods do you eat on holidays? (Christmas, New Year's Day, etc.), Do you believe that "we are what we eat?", What kind of vegetables do you like? .
Food- Speaking questions
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