Automatic Negative Thoughts: They pop into our heads without us doing anything., They think I look weird., They can be very convincing., The teacher must hate me., I’m going to fail my test., I am stupid., I am ugly., I am always last in line., I never get invited to parties. , I always mess up., Coping Thoughts: They are realistic., They are helpful., They are truthful., They help you stay in control., I may not be the smartest kid, but I do okay., I will keep trying and get help if I need to., I have had friends in the past, and I know I can make them again., It’s okay if I am not the best player. I have fun playing on the team., I wonder if there is any other way to look at this?, Is there any evidence? What are the facts?,
Matching - Negative Thoughts vs. Coping Thoughts
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