Ejection Fraction - The percentage of the end-diastolic volume that is ejected with each stroke. Measured to at a 42-50% in the normal heart, Afterload - Pressure that the ventricular myocardium must overcome to eject blood during systole and is one of the determinants of stroke volume, Cardiac Output - Amount of blood pumped by each ventricle during a given time period, Stoke Volume - Determined by preload, afterload, and contractility of the heart, Systolic BP - Determined by the force and volume of blood that the left ventricle ejects during systole, Systolic HF - Alteration in ventricular contraction, characterized by a weakened heart muscle, and resulting in decreased ejected blood from the ventricle, Diastolic HF - A stiff and non-compliant heart muscle, making it difficult for lungs to fill, Congestion HF - Seen in left-sided heart failure. Occurs from the left ventricle being unable to effectively pump blood out of the ventricle and into the aorta and systemic circulation, Perfusion HF - Seen in right-sided heart failure. Occurs from the hearts inability to eject blood effectively and cannot accommodate all the blood that normally returns from the venous circulation, Decompensated HF Symptoms - Large quantities of frothy sputum, which is sometimes pink or tan as it is blood tinged., Peripheral Artery Disease - Extremity is cool and pale when elevated, ruddy and cyanotic when in dependent position. Diminished or absent pulse. Bruits heart. Muscle atrophy and thickening of nails is often present. Hallmark symptoms is intermittent claudication from reduced arterial flow , Peripheral Vascular Disease - Impediment of blood flow, mainly to the lower extremities, due to vessel damage, Symptoms of Complete Arterial Occlusion - Color changes, numbness, pain, Beta 1 Receptors - Are found in the heart and kidneys, Beta 2 Receptors - Are found in the lungs, GI system, Vascular Smooth Muscle, and Skeletal Muscle,
Cardiovascular System
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