African American - Various Christian Denominational practices, Eulogy, Hymns, Public Prayer, Decreased Social Activity , Muslim - Cremation is not allowed. Rituals for preparation of the body which must be same culture & gender , Haitian - May involve Vodun (voodoo) practices, Chinese American - Strict norms for announcing death and preparing body. May involve incense, meditation, proving bowls of food for the spirit for one year. , Hispanic - Use rosary prayers and novena (9-day devotion). Manifest luto (mourning) by wearing all black. Often stop watching TV, movies, radio, or attending dances for some time. , Japanese - Close family members may bathe deceased and dress body in white kimono. , Native American - Tribal medicine man or spiritual leader to guide mouners. Variations of rituals and tribal beliefs. Death may be perceived as harmony or the end of all things good, Orthodox Jewish - No autopsy, burial needs to be within 24 hours. Shiva period (7 days of mourning). Disrespectful to leave the body alone while dying , Buddhists - Essential to meditate before a shrine in the room, Vietnamese - Place a few grains of rice in the mouth, and money with deceased to buy drinks in afterlife. Music is played as a way to warn deceased of arrival of friends, Guatemalan - May include marimba band in the funeral procession, lighting candles, and having a wake in the home, Filipino - Broad black cloth is placed on home of deceased. ,
Cultural Responses to Death
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