Colonists - people who live in a colony, Congress - meeting of representatives who have the authority to make decisions, Currency - money that is used in a country, Loyalists - colonists who supported the British monarch and laws, Massacre - Killing of people who cannot defend themselves, Militia - volunteer army, Minuteman - member of Massachusetts colony militia who could quickly be ready to fight the British, Parliament - part of the British government in which members make laws for the British people, Rebel - person who fights against, or will not obey, the law, Repeal - do away with a law, Representation - speaking on behalf of someone, Tax - money that is paid by people to run the country, Self-Government - government,people make their own laws, Ally - allies,a friend, especially in time of war, Boycott - refusal to buy goods or services, American Revolution - The war between Great Britain and its thirteen American colonies from 1775 to 1783 that led to the founding of the United States of America., Sons of Liberty - Groups of colonists who organized themselves to protest against the British government., Liberty - Freedom,
American Revolution Vocabulary Quiz
5th Grade
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