Human-Environment Interaction: how people interact, depend, adapt and modify the environment, People clear forests to build highways., the Suez Canal was built to connect the Mediterranean to the Red Sea, Location: Where something is located. Location can be absolute or relative., Laredo is located near the Rio Grande is south Texas., London 51.5074° N, 0.1278° W, Region: an area that is characterized by distinct physical or human characteristics, North Africa is mostly covered by the Sahara Desert., The Amazon Rainforest covers about 40% of Brazil's landmass, Place: the physical and human features that make a place unique from other places, Paris is recognized for its Eiffel Tower., San Antonio is known for the home of the Alamo, Movement: the spread of ideas, people or diseases through trade, communication, transportation, war, or migration, The Columbian Exchange introduced new foods and animals to the New World., the Internet allows people to communicate ideas across the world,
5 Themes of Geography
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