1) What's an adverb? a) A 'doing word' e.g run, play, fly b) A naming word for common items, e.g dog, tree, milkman c) A word that describes a noun e.g big, blue, beautiful d) A word that describes a verb e.g quickly, carelessly 2) What's a verb? a) A 'doing word' e.g run, play, fly b) A naming word for common items, e.g dog, tree, milkman c) A word that describes a noun e.g big, blue, beautiful d) A word that describes a verb e.g quickly, carelessly 3) What's a noun? a) A 'doing word' e.g run, play, fly b) A naming word for common items, e.g dog, tree, milkman c) A word that describes a noun e.g big, blue, beautiful d) A word that describes a verb e.g quickly, carelessly 4) What's an adjective? a) A 'doing word' e.g run, play, fly b) A naming word for common items, e.g dog, tree, milkman c) A word that describes a noun e.g big, blue, beautiful d) A word that describes a verb e.g quickly, carelessly 5) What's an acronym? a) Where a word/words have been shortened e.g Ltd, GCSE, FS b) Where words have been shortened that spell a pronounceable word e.g OFSTED, PIN, ASAP c) Repetition of a first letter across a number of consecutive words, e.g Peter Piper picked a peck of pickl 6) What's an abbreviation? a) Where a word/words have been shortened e.g Ltd, GCSE, FS b) Where words have been shortened that spell a pronounceable word e.g OFSTED, PIN, ASAP c) Repetition of a first letter across a number of consecutive words, e.g Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers 7) What's alliteration? a) Where a word/words have been shortened e.g Ltd, GCSE, FS b) Where words have been shortened that spell a pronounceable word e.g OFSTED, c) Repetition of a first letter across a number of consecutive words, e.g Peter Piper picked a peck of pickl 8) What's a simile? a) Comparing something with something else by saying it is something else e.g "it's raining cats and dogs b) When something is compared with something else by using 'like a' or 'as a' e.g "big as a house" or "jumped like a frog c) Something that is overemphasised for effect e.g "it must be about a million degrees in here" 9) What's a metaphor? a) Comparing something with something else by saying it is something else e.g "it's raining cats and dogs" b) When something is compared with something else by using 'like a' or 'as a' e.g "big as a house" or "jumped like a frog" c) Something that is overemphasised for effect e.g "it must be about a million degrees in here" 10) What's an exaggeration/hyperbole? a) Comparing something with something else by saying it is something else e.g "it's raining cats and dogs" b) When something is compared with something else by using 'like a' or 'as a' e.g "big as a house" or "jumped like a frog" c) Something that is overemphasised for effect e.g "it must be about a million degrees in here"
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