traceroute - Determine the route a packet takes to a destination (LINUX and MAC), dig - Lookup information from DNS servers (LINUX), ifconfig - Determine TCP/IP and network adapter information (LINUX), ipconfig - Determine TCP/IP and network adapter information (Windows), ping - Test reachability. ICMP packets, tracert - Determine the route a packet takes to a destination (Windows), netstat - Generates a display showing network status and protocol statistics , nslookup - Lookup information from DNS servers (Windows), nmap - A popular vulnerability scanner, pathping - Combination of tracert and ping commands, hping - Can send large volumes of TCP traffic at a target while spoofing the source IP address, netcat - A backend tool that allows for port scanning and port listening, route - A tool used to view and manipulate IP routing tables in Linux and Windows operating systems, curl - A linux tool used to transfer data to or from a server , sn1per - An automated scanner that you can use during a pen test , dnsenum - A tool that automatically identifies base DNS records, head - A Linux command that reads the 1st 10 lines of any filename, Tail - A Linux command that reads the last 10 lines of any filename, cat - linux command that copies standard input to standard output, grep - A Linux command for finding matching patterns to search for a string of characters in a specified file, chmod - Linux command used to change the access permissions of file system objects , dd - A Linux tool used to convert and copy files, memdump - The process of taking all the content in RAM and writing it to a storage drive,
CompTIA Security+ command line tools
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