mammal - any animal of which the female feeds her young on milk from her own body. Most ___ give birth to live young, not eggs., rodent - any of various small mammals with large, sharp front teeth, such as mice and rats, reptile - an animal that produces eggs and uses the heat of the sun to keep its blood warm like snakes or lizards., carnivore - an animal that eats meat, herbivore - an animal that eats only plants, predator - an animal that hunts, kills, and eats other animals, docile - Adjective describing quiet and easy animals that is easy to influence, persuade, or control, tame - Adj. (especially of animals) not wild or dangerous, either naturally or because of training or long involvement with humans, domesticated - Adj. (of animals or plants) brought under human control in order to provide food, power, or company, wild - Adj. used to refer to plants or animals that live or grow independently of people, in natural conditions and with natural characteristics, savage - Adj. extremely violent, wild, or frightening animal, fierce - Adj. physically violent and frightening animals,
Describing animals
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