I've already seen it. - Do you want to come and see the new Sofia Coppola's film? , Yes, I've just finished it. - Have you done your English homework?, She's already left. - What time's your mother leaving? , No, thanks. I've just had one. - Would you like a cup of coffee? , No, not yet. I'm going to tidy it later. - Have you tidied your room yet? , Because you've already had them three times this week. - Why can't we have chips for dinner?, She's fine, I've just spoken to her. - Do you know how Sheila is? , I don't know. I haven't met her yet. - What's his new girlfriend like?, No, not yet. I'm going to do it tonight. - Have you booked your flight?, I haven't started it yet. It starts tomorrow. - What's your English course like?, Thanks. I've just washed it. - Your hair looks nice., I can't. I haven't been to the cash machime yet. - Can you lend me some money?, Thanks. I've just bought them. - I love your new shoes!, Yes, I know. I've just got up. - You look really sleepy., Don't worry, I've already been to the supermarket. - Don't forget to buy some milk!, You're too late. They've already gone home. - Where are Pete and Andrew?,
Find the response. Present Perfect
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Past Perfect
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