arreglar - to tidy, to fix, to arrange, ayudar (a) - to help (to), el banco de alimentos - food bank, charlar - to chat, el comedor social - soup kitchen, el concurso - competition, cultivar - to grow, to cultivate, disfrutar - to enjoy, ecologísta - environmental, la gente mayor - old people , hogar - home, limpiar - to clean, marcar un gol - to score a goal, los necesitados - the needy, la organizaión benéfica - charitable organization, participar (en) - to take part (in), pasarlo bien - to have a good time, proteger - to protect, la residencia de ancianos - old people's homes, los sin techo - the homeless, el Tercer Mundo - the Third World, la tienda solidaria - charity shop, el voluntario - volunteer,

6.1G ¿Quieres ser voluntario/a?


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