era - a period of time noted for its events, or other characteristics, decade - a period of 10 years, century - a period of 100 years, timelines - show events in time order, relative chronology - the order of events in relation to other events, absolute chronology - the order of events by date, graphs - a visual that presents numbers, bar graphs - a type of graph that compares different items or groups, and also to compare items at different points of time, line graphs - a type of graph that shows a set of data changes over time, circle graphs - a type of graph that shows how the whole of something is divided or compares to the parts, charts - show large amounts of information at once; organize facts and make them easier to compare and contrast, diagrams - show the parts of something, the steps in a process, or how something works, models - show a small-scale version of a larger object, primary source - a document or object written or created DURING the time of the event, secondary source - a document or object that analyzes a primary source, written AFTER the time of the event, examples of primary sources - autobiographies, letters, treaties, artifacts, speeches, examples of secondary sources - biographies, encyclopedias, magazine articles, databases, bias - a preference that prevents fair judgment,
Wordwall - Studying History
7th Grade
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