Someone about whom you sometimes think, 'Gosh, you (behave) terribly', What your favourite foods (taste) like, Things you (have) that you wish you had more of, Irritating things your relatives/friends forever (do), Events/changes that you (anticipate) eagerly, Whether you can say that you (be) a perceptive person and why, Things that you (believe) in, Widely accepted ideas that you (doubt), What you (work) on right now, Things in your life right now that you (love), The amount of time people should spend (see) each other before they get married, Things you (have) serious problems with at a certain point in your life, Things that you (think) about recently, Tips for someone who (consider) moving abroad, How much you (throw) away VS how much you (reuse/recycle).

State or Action Verbs С1: speaking cards


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