stages of life, male family members, Present Simple sentences, Present Continuous sentences, stative verbs, -ment, -ence, -ion nouns, -er, -or, -ist nouns, sentences with a/an, the, zero article, crimes, regular verbs ending with [d], [t], [id], irregular verbs, types of phrasal verb "look", Past Continuous sentences, Nationalities, im-, in-, un- adjectives, sentences with relative pronouns, parts of the body, health problems, Present Perfect sentences, compound nouns, TV programmes, adjectives describing TV programmes, sentences with comparative adjectives, sentences with superlative adjectives, pairs of -ing/-ed adjectives, sentences with too/enough, environmental problems, plans and intentions about future, predictions about future, different uses of 'get', sentences of 0, I, II Conditionals, people who work with public, personal qualities, sentences with modals of obligation, prohibition and advice, compound adjectives, relashionship verbs, feelings (nouns), Past Perfect sentences, -ness, -ship, -dom nouns, uses of gerunds, uses of infinitives, types of fiction books, types of non-fiction books, reported sentences, reported questions, phrasal verbs connected with reading and writing, computer parts, same words for nouns and verbs , passive voice sentences, collocations with 'email'.
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