1) When a poem doesn't rhyme a) Imagery b) Prose c) Repetition d) Free Verse 2) Why does an author use repetition? a) It's funny b) Show importance c) Make poem longer 3) When an author appeals to your 5 senses to help you paint a picture a) Stanza b) Sensory c) Imagery d) Imagination 4) A group of lines a) Paragraph b) Stanza c) Lines d) List 5) Text that follows rules of grammar: Chapter books, newspapers, articles, Reading passages a) Poetry b) Normal c) Informational d) Prose 6) When a word "makes a sound" a) onomatopoeia b) Repetition c) Imagery d) Noisy 7) All poetry rhymes a) True b) False 8) Prose follows rules of grammar a) True b) False 9) A good summary is a) Long and full of detail b) Long and includes title and author c) short and only mentions theme d) a short description with title, author, and theme 10) Another word for anonymous a) Nothing b) Famous c) Unknown d) Careful


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