Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Huge heart muscles in the middle septum of the heart, Can obstruct the aorta, blocking all oxygenated blood out to the body. , VERY DEADLY, Typically asymptomatic until heavy exercise, and then they die, Possible JVD, increased left ventricular impulse, or systolic thrill, A possible pan-systolic murmur from mitral valve regurgitation, about 20-30% have atrial fibrillation (shown as loss of P waves on ECG), ECG may show high voltage complexes, left axis deviation, and P wave abnormalities, Only treated with beta-blockers and CCBs. NO DILATORS, DIGOXIN, OR DIURETICS, Dilated Cardiomyopathy: Fibrosis (stiff, hard muscles) of the myocardium and endocardium., Hard for the heart to pump out oxygen-rich blood , S3 heart sound can be heart. , Cardiomegaly (dilated heart), Most common type. , ECG shows pathological Q Waves, and Poor R wave progression with abnormal T Wave & ST Segments, SOMETIMES bundle branch block shows a widened QRS complex on ECG, Treatment includes ACE, Beta-Blockers, Mineralocorticoid Antagonists, Restrictive Cardiomyopathy: Rock-Hard Muscles , Make it so the heart cannot refill. , Embolic (blood clots) are common, Generally present with low oxygen and symptoms of HF, Bilateral Atrial Enlargement, ECG shows large P waves and Large R waves, Low oxygenation, symptoms of HF, restlessness, agitation, altered LOC, syncope, dizziness, fatigue, Peripheral and pulmonary edema - Making diuretics the key to treatment,
Types of Cardiomyopathy
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