What three words best describe you?, What things would a good friend say about you?, What is your family like?, What is a special memory you have?, What makes you unique?, If you were a superhero, what would your name and special powers be?, If you were a color what would you be and why?, What is your favorite animal?, Who is someone important in your life?, What is your favorite sport to play?, What is your favorite sport to watch?, If you could add an extra class, what would it be and why?, What do you hope to be like in 10 years?, What is something that always makes you laugh?, Who is someone who can always cheer you up?, What is something you'd love to learn more about?, What is your favorite part of school?, What would your perfect day look like? What would you do?, If you could create an after school club, what would it be and why?, Where are your favorite places to eat?, What is your favorite movie or show? Tell us about it!, What is something you used to be scared of but not anymore?, What is something you could teach others about?, Would your rather visit a theme park or a zoo?, Do you prefer to read books or watch movies? Why?.
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