Ecosystem - an area where plants and animals live together, Great South Bay - Bay between Long Island and Fire Island, Salt Marsh - boggy area between the bay and Fire Island where marsh grasses and reeds grow , Thicket - many shrubs and bushes closely growing together, Secondary Dune - smaller dune connects to Maritime Forest and Great South Bay, Fresh Water Bog - Wet ares of rain water where cattails, ferns and phragmites grow, Swale - desert like valley between the primary dune and secondary dune, Atlantic Ocean - Large salty body of water; opposite side of the bay, Primary Dune - Larger dune/Protects Fire Island from the Atlantic Ocean waves, Barrier Beach - a narrow strip of land that protects the mainland, Cattail - upright plants that grow in fresh water bogs, Phragmites - invasive plant in fresh water bogs, Sassafras - tree leaves that are ground into tea, Minerals - various forms of rocks, Beach Grass - grass and root systems that hold the sand on the dunes, Wampum - White and purple shell, Univalve/Bivalve Shell - Shell with 1 part/ Shell with 2 parts, Lens effect - sunlight shines off the dune and into the swale, Salt spray pruning - shapes tree tops into a canopy, Quartz - Primary sand found on Fire Island, Maritime Forest - coastal forest that grows near sand dunes,
Fire Island
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