1) What is the preferred IO insertion site a) Proximal Tibia b) Distal Tibia c) Proximal Humerus d) Sternum 2) What is a contraindication for an IO insertion a) Patient's refuse to consent b) Bone infection c) Provider's decision d) Patient's fear of needles 3) To avoid pain with fluid infusion through the IO access, what local anesthetic should be used?  a) Morphine b) Fentanyl c) 2 % Lidocaine d) hydromorphone 4) How many steps for IO insertion did the video showed?  a) 2 b) 5 c) 4 d) 3 5) What does the letter "A" represent on the algorithm "PAID" a) Assess b) Attend c) Apply d) Aim

IO Insertion Post-Quiz


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