a small portion, the machine's function, best option, photo caption, sneakers with bad traction, a small fraction, a dentist using suction, which section?, live-action film, an accident at the junction, , a nonfiction text, the creamy lotion, at the bus station, , a large nation, Snape, the potion master..., the superhero's mutation..., It was a close election., volcano eruption, motion detection, wore a pink carnation, not enough protection, a long duration, get a notification, locker combination, quick calculation, job qualifications, , a giant rock formation, working at a large corporation, strong ambition, good transportation, a treatable condition, tax reduction, mold prevention, price reduction, , got a detention, water vaporization, sad rejection, upon reflection, a big temptation, a gross infection, begin physical rehabilitation, concentration helps memorization, detailed description, small reception party, a large production, a job promotion, , a strong sensation, price inflation, crop rotation, yelled in frustration, overwhelming amount of information, wake from hibernation, , mixed emotions, scientific experimentation, animal vocalization, has a solution, a crumbling civilization, the problem of starvation, French translation, ice cold sensation, job relocation, short hospitalization, quick transition, good nutrition, , first position, turn the key in the car's ignition, following regulations, a great invention, a delicious concoction, a whole production, a strong connection, arm dislocation, unique creation, the earth's rotation.
tion BOOM! game- phrases
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