Family: most important agent of socialization, principal socializer of young children, socialization may be intended or unintended, norms and values taught usually focus on the culture, Peer Groups: influential during pre-teenage and early teenage years, a person shapes themselves into the kind of person they think this group wants them to be, goals and norms may be at odds with the goals of the larger society, winning acceptance is important, School: much of this socialization is deliberate, purpose is to teach skills and prepare a person for life in the larger society, attempt to transmit cultural values such as responsibility, patriotism, and good citizenship, unintended socialization occurs such as speech or style of dress, Mass Media: involves no face-to-face interaction, television has the most influence on the socialization of children, image of society may not be realistic because ethnic and religious groups are not equally represented , influence reaches a large audience, Resocialization: involuntary socialization takes place in a total institution: prison, psychiatric hospital, military boot camp, involves breaking with past experiences and learning new norms, attempts to change an individual's personality and social behavior, going away to college and learning a new set of rules and behaviors,
Agents of socialization
11th Grade
12th Grade
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