burglar - a person who illegally enters buildings and steals things, flee - to escape by running away, especially because of danger or fear, hostage - someone held in capture, theft - the crime of illegally taking something that belongs to someone else, kidnap - to take a person away illegally by force, usually in order to demand money in exchange for releasing them, break into - enter or open a place, vehicle, or container forcibly, especially for the purposes of theft., on call - able to be contacted in order to provide a professional service if necessary, but not formally on duty, victim - a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action., vandalism - the crime of intentionally damaging property belonging to other people, escape - the act of successfully getting out of a place or a dangerous or bad situation, evidence - anything that helps to prove that something is or is not true, clue - a piece of evidence or information used in the detection of a crime.,
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