cd Command - Changes the current directory, chmod Command - Changes file permissions, chown Command - Changes the file owner and group, cp Command - Copies files, ls Command - Displays the contents of a directory, mkdir Command - Creates a directory, mv Command - Renames a file and moves the file from one directory to another, rm Command - Deletes files, pwd Command - Displays the current directory, cat Command - Displays the contents of a file, df Command - Displays the total disk free space for a directory, dd Command - Copies blocks of data from one file to another, find Command - Searches for text in a file hierarchy, grep Command - Searches for regular expressions in a text file, nano Command - Text-based editor for files, apt-get Command - Downloads files from a repository site, yum Command - Downloads files from a repository site, most common in Red Hat, shutdown Command - Shuts down Linux, vi Command - Starts the visual file editor, which can be used to edit files, man Command - System help for executable files, passwd Command - Changes the password, su Command - Starts a new shell as another user, sudo Command - Runs a command as another user (usually the root user), dig Command - DNS query utility, ip and ipconfig Commands - Allow user to display and configure information related to a NIC, iwconfig Command - Similar to ipconfig, but used for wireless configurations, q Command - Used to quit most interactive utilities like the vi editor, ps Command - Displays a list of currently running processes, kill Command - Terminates a process, top Command - Displays running processes, similar to Windows Task Manager,
Basic Linux Commands (220-1102, Unit 16.7)
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