carbuncle - inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue caused by staphylococci, cowlick - tuft of hair that stands up straight, furuncle - boil; acute, localized bacterial infection of the hair follicle that produces constant pain, hair density - the number of hair strands on 1 square inch of scalp, hair elasticity - ability of the hair to stretch and return to its original length without breaking, hair porosity - ability of the hair to absorb moisture, hair stream - hair flowing in the same direction, resulting from follicles sloping in the same direction, hair texture - thickness or diameter of the individual hair strand, hydrophillic - easily absorbs moisture, hydrophobic - naturally resistant to being penetrated by moisture, pediculosis capitis - infestation of the hair and scalp with head lice, pityriasis steatoides - severe case of dandruff characterized by an accumulation of greasy or waxy scales mixed with sebum that stick to the scalp in crusts, scutula - dry, sulfur-yellow, cuplike crusts on the scalp in tinea favosa or tinea favus, terminal hair - long, coarse, pigmented hair found on the scalp, legs, arms, and body of males and females, tinea - technical term for ringworm - a contagious condition caused by fungal infection and not a parasite; characterized by itching, scales, and, sometimes, painful lesions, tinea favosa - fungal infection characterized by dry, sulfur-yellow, cuplike crusts on the scalp, whorl - hair that forms a circular pattern on the crown of the head,
Cosmetology Chapter 11 - Vocab 4
11th Grade
12th Grade
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