is in charge of the executive branch of government, makes federal laws, is one of your state's U.S. senators, is your U.S. representative, represents all the people of a state, is the name of the President, is the name of the Vice President, becomes President if the President can no longer serve, becomes President if both the President and Vice President can no longer serve, is Commander in Chief of the military, signs bills to become laws, vetoes bills, is The Chief Justice of the United States, is the Governor of your state, lived in America before the Europeans arrived, wrote the Declaration of Independence, is the “Father of Our Country”, was the first President, was President during World War I, was President during the Great Depression and World War II, did the United States fight in World War II, fought for women's rights, fought for civil rights, is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now, is famous for being a U.S. diplomat, was taken to America and sold as slaves, wrote the Federalist Papers, was a general in World War II before he was President.
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