1) one who carries a) portable b) portfolio c) import d) porter e) export f) deport 2) able to be carried a) portfolio b) porter c) portable d) import e) deport f) export 3) to carry into a) export b) portable c) deport d) portfolio e) import f) porter 4) an organized form a) comport b) transport c) report d) portfolio e) deport f) porter 5) block passage through a) instructor b) destructive c) constructive d) infrastructure e) self-destruct f) obstruct 6) away with ones self or itself a) infrastructure b) self-destruct c) destructive d) obstruct e) instructor f) constructive 7) causing something to be destroyed a) infrastructure b) obstruct c) destructive d) self-destruct e) constructive f) instructor 8) one who provides knowledge or skills a) instructor b) self-destruct c) infrastructure d) constructive e) obstruct f) destructive

Roots- struct and port


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